Exhibitions, performances and publications happening from time to time in a variety of spaces. Constant but not running constantly.

Berthold Wolpe RDI OBE was one of the greatest typographers of the last century. Not for him a rehash of somebody else’s ideas; his work was original both in thought and execution. Devices and ornaments of all kinds complemented his many type designs: Albertus, Pegasus, Hyperion, Albertus Shadow and Decorata to name a few. Berthold drew the rarely seen Decorata (used here for ‘Gestures’) especially for his friend Rowley Atterbury, founder of the Westerham Press. Berthold and Rowley met at Faber & Faber at the end of WW2 and collaborated on many books and other projects. Rowley’s son Francis Atterbury, who runs the art publisher Hurtwood, has graciously granted permission to use this typeface.
